Pan African History Saturday Call April 23,2022

Join our global network of I ❤️ Black People Members & Ambassadors for an engaging conversation empowering collective Black sovereignty & our efforts to protect Black people from racism and xenophobia.

Don't miss out on our weekly reports from country representatives! We also update the community on engagement opportunities for further involvement, and we always have a Q&A session.

Confirm Attendance

Date: this Saturday, April 23, 2022

Saturday Call Time Zones:

10 am United States(Washington DC).  2 pm Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leon, The Gambia.  3 pm Nigeria, Cameroon.  4 pm Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Burundi.  5 pm Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia


Join Meeting👉🏾:

See you this and every Saturday!✊🏿


April 23, 2022 at 10:00am - 1pm


Abdulai Damba Bosco Abdulai Damba Uriah Kerkulah Mpapwa Saviour Saviour Gatloi Nyak Machar Machar Alfred Ntuntu Alfred Benjamin Korir Godfrey Ng'habi Benjamin Johnson HK. Immanuel Wiah Jalloh Amadu w Dawda Sowe Luchera Nambande Tchaka Sapp Augustine Nyakatoma Victor Saiteu Newman Moeletsi Ratimba Sannie  salome Dorbor Momodou Drammeh Lenora Armstrong Govnor Razak Kim P Anthony Sallay Kapanda Musonda Brian Chada Alimamy Bakarr Sankoh Michael Muhoja Thulani Dhlamini Jerome Ndacayisaba Afah Toure Benjamin Tetteh Aziamado Patrick Al-mutakabbir Ventures Zakari Josephine Wureh Capehart Marah Kalie Kalie Pilirani Msokwa Emmanuel Yao Eko Mwansa Omala David Mwansa Kudzai Sandra Makoshera Petrus Mwandjena Ishimwe Jean Baptiste Lamy Issa Ngendahimana Ibrahim Sorie Koroma Jochebed Kerubo Davidson zini Wolfe Alhassan M Barrie Thon Piot monyjok Yolanda Brassfield Michael

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